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Working with Mira totally changed my life!

Severine Menem – Nutritionist

Working with Mira on her one-to-one programme totally changed my life. I started implementing a few changes, and all of a sudden found myself happier and achieving more. I really enjoyed working with Mira as she is very friendly, professional and reliable, and knows when to push you.
Severine Menem

Tell me, is this YOU?

An ambitious, female, purpose-driven online business owner or freelancer who...

Wants to enjoy her life while doing fulfilling work that lights her up, but right now you're...

  • Fed up with getting sidetracked by what other people are doing or trying out what has worked well for them. As a result, you’re spreading yourself too thin and losing track of who are you, what you want and the right path for you

  • Frustrated you're not achieving enough despite working long hours and trying your best. There is always so much to do in your business, on top of your client work, and it's overwhelming and exhausting

  • Wanting to grow your business without working even harder -- or want to work fewer hours without making less -- but can't see how to make it happen

  • Struggling to prioritise and stay focused on the right activities, getting distracted and procrastinating instead of following through with your plans. As a result, you're not making the progress you want fast enough

  • Craving time for yourself and the things that bring you joy but you are often at the bottom of your To-Do list, assuming you even make it on the list

  • Feeling lost and lonely, doubting yourself and wondering if what you want to achieve is even possible for you?

Raised your hand to any of the above?

No wonder you may be confused about how to achieve the life you want without burning out or losing your sanity.

This needs to STOP before you burn out

or even give up on your business to get a 'normal job'

Here’s the truth about why you’ve been spinning around in circles, hustling harder than ever, procrastinating, not growing your business as fast as you would like, and lost sight of who you are and what's right for you. 

You’ve been trying to do things the way they worked for OTHERS.

But not the way that it will work for YOU.

Trust me, I get it - there is so much to learn when you immerse yourself in the world of online business, on top of your core client work.

You’ve been an avid student.

You’ve attended webinars, bought courses, signed up for memberships, and maybe even worked with mentors or coaches. 

How many times have you been promised a shortcut to your dream business and lifestyle?

'Just follow my exact footsteps,' they said.

Sometimes, you've made progress, but nothing seems to work long term. You've ended up more confused, made less headway and moved further away from what's important to you and the right way to do it - for you.

Frustrating. Heartbreaking. Disappointing. Huh?

You're not alone.

I've been there, too.

After personally investing several thousand pounds in developing my skills to grow my business, countless discussions with fellow female online business owners and working with hundreds of clients, I observed six recurring patterns of why following someone else's footsteps doesn't work well and feels so hard.

Some of these may speak to you, too. 


They may not have taken into account YOUR ...

  • Stage of Business

    Not getting to know you and your business well enough e.g. stage of growth, your capacity and what to focus and prioritise your efforts on.

  • Female Energy Cycle

    Inadequate, rigid time management practices don't take into account the different stages that you go through as a woman each month, which can leave you stressed and exhausted.

  • Values, Personality & Strengths

    Doing things in a specific way only works for certain types of people. You need a way that aligns with your values and fits your unique personality and strengths.

  • Support Needs

    It can feel incredibly demotivating when you’re by yourself and your initial enthusiasm fades, without anyone to bounce ideas off or talk to when you’re struggling.

  • Fears & Obstacles

    Not digging deep enough to uncover unhelpful thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that hold you back from taking action.

  • Personal Circumstances

    Focusing solely on your business without a holistic view of your life, while you may be juggling conflicting personal and professional responsibilities.

It made a real difference in my personal life and business!

Celine Mullins - Business Psychologist & Coach

Working with Mira as my coach helped me to finally realise that my time is my own and it does not BELONG to my business. I love the work that I do, but I do not love every aspect, and working with Mira helped me to get clearer on which elements of my long list of things to do needed to be passed over to other people on my team to make the best use of all of our strengths. Working with Mira over many months helped me realise that I had much more CHOICE in how I was operating my time than I had thought. I would recommend taking some time out of your day to work with Mira. Her programme is very well structured and clear and does lead to making a real difference in your life.
Celine Mullins

In a nutshell?

The reason why following what worked for OTHER PEOPLE hasn't worked for YOU is because it wasn’t aligned to YOU.


It’s time to stop giving away your power.

It’s time to trust yourself more than ever.

It’s time to kick off those ill-fitting shoes and create a business and life that's shaped by you, not other people.

It’s time to deeply connect to who you are at your core and what’s truly important to you.

It’s time to follow YOUR natural feminine energy flow and achieve your dreams faster and with greater ease.

It’s time to create a business and a life you love, and success in your own unique way.

I've stuck to my plan in creating a business around what's most important to me

Naz Ghadamian – Financial Adviser

Identifying and understanding what’s truly important to me has made a huge difference in my approach to how I run my business and lead my life. By implementing The VIP Alignment Method, I've been able to stick to my plan in creating a business around what's most important to me i.e. my family and my wellbeing despite external pressures, hiccups and hurdles, all amid the challenges of a pandemic.
Naz Ghadamian

Mira has had such a positive impact on my life!

Violet Karamagi - Accountant

I was struggling with overwhelm, distractions and generally not sure how to achieve work-life balance. I learnt about the importance of taking breaks, creating a distraction-free environment and eating well to keep my energy levels up. As a result, I was able to change so much in my daily routines and I am now in a much better place. I’m calmer, mindful of not taxing my brain unnecessarily and start my day in the right frame of mind. Plus, I now have lunch breaks (and eat). Mira is one amazing coach!!! She is very patient, friendly, non-judgmental and encouraging.
Violet Karamagi


In case you're wondering...

I’ve been in your shoes. Way too many times.

Trusting others to know what’s better for me and show me the way.

Expecting my mentor to magically pull things out of my head as if he were a magician.

Based on the results I had helped my clients achieve, I was told I was a Productivity Coach and given that title. Except it didn’t feel good.

Yes, I got sold-out talks in Central London.

Yes, I got well-paying clients.

Yes, my clients achieved amazing results - doubling their income, slashing their working hours and having more fun.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by the CEO of Translatious LTD, a Spanish legal translator "Since working with Mira, I have nearly doubled my profits while enjoying a much better work-life balance. I particularly liked the very personalised approach and the way we came up with things that would work for me, together. Mira helped me to look at things a bit differently, so I could focus and prioritise what I really wanted to do and achieve. I’d certainly recommend working with Mira to any freelancers and business owners trying to achieve a better work-life balance who are ready to make a change in their lives. Thank you so much for everything, Mira!!!"

And even though my clients achieved transformative results aligned with my mission to help people lead a healthier and more balanced life, I had to hide behind the label of being a  ‘Productivity’ coach. 

Just like you, some days I woke up excited, went all in, had an amazing day and felt proud of myself.

But there were also days when my energy was low. Not only did I beat myself up for not having done enough, but the more I studied about productivity and time and energy management, the more I felt like an imposter because of the high expectations I had of myself as a productivity coach.

So I rebelled.

I sabotaged my own success.

This made me hold myself back.

Instead of propelling my success upwards, I found myself on a downward spiral.

It took me a while but now I know WHY. 

Most methods that teach you how to be more consistent and productive by managing your time and energy are created BY men and FOR men.

Knowing this, I want to help you avoid the frustration and mistakes I went through, so you can shortcut your success.

Why traditional time management methods are NOT optimal for YOU

Traditional Productivity & Time Management approaches are created for people who operate only on a 24-hour clock. While women have two body clocks - the 24-hr and menstrual cycle. Truth bomb time...

  • This leaves people with periods who also need to consider their infradian rhythm short-changed.

  • As a result, you end up feeling frustrated, exhausted and guilty because you're not showing up the same way day-in and day-out.

  • These linear practices not only ignore but also suppress your invaluable innate cyclical strengths that can unlock more success, flow, and ease, for your business and life.

This was eye-opening! 

It should be taught to ALL women.

Wow, Mira really opened my eyes to the reasons why I struggle to be productive, and helped me understand a better way to work with my hormones on a monthly basis instead of fighting them every day. She has given me the freedom to accept that I won't feel the same tomorrow as I do today, or that today I'll be as inspired as yesterday. This is the sort of thing that should be taught to all women and especially girls as they approach puberty. Thank you so much, Mira! - Catherine Tuckwell - Brand Photographer

The Aha! Moment:

How I Broke The Vicious Cycle

In January 2020, I started exploring more about the differences between how female and male brains function.

I learned that women who, like me, are in their reproductive years, function on two clocks. The traditional 24-hr clock that our modern world and most time management methods are based on. Plus, our 28-ish-day clock based on our menstrual cycle.

The hormonal composition of each phase impacts your brain's natural strengths and talents. 

This makes each phase optimal for specific types of activities. In other words, what 'productive' looks like is DIFFERENT depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

I also discovered how in our daily life and in business we use a set of feminine and masculine energies. When we don't get a good balance between those, we're more likely to feel unhappy, frazzled and burnt out.


These insights were a game-changer for me.

These eureka moments taught me that I could optimise my productivity and improve my chances of success by synchronising my business activities with my menstrual cycle. 

This led me to create my VIP Alignment Method, to help ambitious, female, purpose-driven business owners and freelancers, like you, to better understand who you truly are at your core (your unique values and strengths) and what really matters to you right now, and combine this with a more feminine approach to planning, time and energy management to achieve greater success in business and in life, with more fun and flow.  

I don't want you to keep yourself small any longer. I want you to show the world your superpowers, tap into your innate feminine wisdom and create the business and life you've been dreaming of - now.   

As a female entrepreneur, you need a method that fits YOUR UNIQUE energy flow, personality, and circumstances.

Image of The VIP Alignment Method by Mira Rutter from Rutter Coaching. A star with 5 elements - Your VIP, Mindset, Money, Business, Energy

The 5 Essential Pillars of Creating a Business and Life You Want, with More Flow and Less Friction

The 5 VIP Alignment Pillars


    Get crystal clear on Your VIP i.e. Your Values, Individuality and Priorities. These set the foundations for everything else in your life, including how you run your business.


    Integrate the 5 aspects of Energy, including your menstrual cycle, so you can always feel at your best. There is a lot more to energy than simply diet, exercise and sleep.


    Develop the empowering mindset of growth and resilience to help you achieve your true potential as an online service-based entrepreneur.


    Laser focus on the right business activities for where you are in your entrepreneurial journey and align them with your natural feminine flow and energy to progress faster, with greater ease and more fun.


    Aligning your approach to managing your finances to your VIP. Create wealth, tweak your spending habits and re-wire unhelpful beliefs about money to create the success you desire.

I’m a happier human, better mother and better wife, while still running my business

Bianca Botten - Business Support

Mira helped me immensely in my business. Her online programme was the foundation for me to have a business and life that I love, where I’m not stressed or exhausted and I’m in control. I learnt to prioritise things that bring me joy, like going to the gym, going for a walk, or out for a coffee and to take on work that I love. I learnt to work in line with my energy levels and to build a business that fits around family life. I’ve gone on to be able to plan my week, take regular breaks, fit in exercise and stop spinning too many plates. From working with Mira Rutter, I’m a happier human, better mother and better wife, while still running my business. 
Bianca Botten



The holistic female-centric coaching programme to grow your business and create your version of success, without burning out

An image with the elements included in Mira Rutter's coaching programme - video trainings, playbooks, cheat sheets, audio mediations

My unique, female-centric personalised coaching programme is a proven system to put you firmly back in control of your business and your life

By getting crystal clear on your values and personality, working with your natural feminine cycle and implementing a strategy and plan built around your individual circumstances, you can make faster progress with your business, boost your energy every day and fulfil your ambitions with more ease, flow and fun - not in the future, now!

This is not another rigid, off-the-shelf productivity plan you can't stick to.

I'll be by your side every step of the way, unlocking what's unique about you and your business, helping you create a sustainable structure and systems to maximise your time and energy, aligned with your cycle, that you can implement right away, and guide you so you can get more of what’s important done in your business and personal life.

How will it help you...

Complete with private coaching, in-depth trainings, tools and techniques, as well as in-between session support

Together, we're going to design the path that is right for you and your business, take giant steps forward that are in alignment with YOUR personality and work in flow with YOUR cycle, to help you achieve your business goals and personal ambitions faster and easier - whatever they look like FOR YOU

No more drifting into other people's lanes or procrastinating into dead ends, beating yourself up and questioning if it's all worth it. I'm going to help you get clarity, take back control, get more of what matters to you done, and create your version of success.

By going through this programme, you will:

  • Gain a renewed sense of focus, clarity and direction for your life, feeling motivated and energised to take consistent, inspired action towards your business and personal goals

  • Implement a female biohacking approach to prioritising, planning and organising your days and weeks so you can get more of what's important done

  • Tap into the least understood and most underutilised technique, unique to women, for making changes and achieving what you want, quicker and simpler

  • Skyrocket your productivity with high-performance habits so you can have more time for yourself and your loved ones in a way that works with your personality and natural feminine energy

  • Boost your energy by incorporating healthy and empowering practices that support your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing in a way that works with your personality and circumstances

  • Get a deep understanding of what obstacles have been preventing you from making the progress you'd like in your business so far, and have immediately actionable tools and techniques to overcome them

And the best bit?

This is about putting in place a long-term, sustainable strategy, plan and practices that will inspire, motivate and excite you, laying the foundations for your future success.

The programme is proven to work, it's female-centric, and it's designed WITH you and FOR you - so you're much more likely to stick to it. 

Helped me make the most of my time and improve my work-life balance

Nika Zbasnik - Freelance Photographer & Videographer

I was struggling with lack of time management, planning and focus. Mira helped me to set clear goals and guided me to create a focused and effective working plan. Without her, I wouldn’t be able to evaluate my priorities or progress with my workload as much as I have. I recommend working with her if you are looking for someone committed, professional and motivational to help you with making the most of your time and creating a work-life balance.
Nika Zbasnik

Mira helped me focus on what really matters and increased my productivity

Judith Sekyonda – Bookkeeper

Before I started coaching with Mira, I lacked direction in most aspects of my life. I was struggling to work out what I really wanted out of life and my career and had no clear plan. My self-belief and confidence were low. I was procrastinating a lot and lacked the motivation to do the things that mattered to me most. Mira helped structure my days in a way that I’d never thought of before. I now have a clear direction in my family and professional life. It was through working with Mira that I’ve managed to turn my life around and have been living my life by my dreams and goals, from a place of strength instead of fear!
Judith Sekyonda

Sounds Awesome!


An image with the elements of Mira Rutter's coaching programme - VIP Alignment Experience  (Half-Day), 10 private coaching sessions, Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions, Accountability check-ins, In-depth trainings & resources and Practical Tools, Templates &  Cheat Sheets

You get a powerful mixture of private 1-1 coaching, support, community sessions, as well as training and exercises to go through in your own time and at your own pace. 

The core elements of the programme are: 

  • VIP Alignment Experience (Half-Day) - Deep dive into your Values, Individuality and Priorities to set you on the path to success

  • 10 Private Coaching Sessions (60-mins) - Get fired up, make breakthroughs and take aligned, consistent, inspired action, in flow with your unique rhythm

  • Make The Most of Your Menstrual Cycle - My famous, game-changing in-depth training, plus other relevant masterclasses

  • Get It Done Co-Working Sessions - Friendly sessions to blitz through your To-Do list and fast forward your business

  • Accountability Check-Ins - Keep up the momentum from our private sessions and get laser focused for the day

  • The VIP Alignment Toolkit - A selection of highly effective and practical tools, templates, cheat sheets and audio meditations to support you on your VIP alignment journey in creating a business and life you love

Tell me the nitty-gritty!

Your Life Now Snapshot Questionnaire

Where are you now?

A few simple questions and short exercises to identify your current situation, challenges and aspirations in managing your business and personal life, so you can hit the ground running and get the most value out of the programme.
Woman holding an ipad with Your Life Now Snapshot Questionnaire and pen

Getting Ready for The Align, Flow & Grow Programme

Preparing for your VIP Alignment Experience will allow you to make the most of our time together and we’ll use the insights you gain from this for the rest of the programme.

  • The questionnaire will help you get clear on what you want to focus on during the programme by pinpointing the main challenges in your business and personal life, and the impact these are having on you

  • You’ll also receive a couple of tools to help you review your priorities and identify aspects of your personality, so you can start seeing how they currently show up in your business and home life

  • Like past clients, you may well find yourself making changes and taking action even before our first session

The VIP Alignment Experience

1-1 deep dive into your Values, Individuality and Priorities to set you on the path to success

A private half-day experience dedicated exclusively to you, designed to help you identify and (re-)connect with what’s most important to you right now, so you can focus on what truly matters, grow your business and create the life you desire.
Mira Rutter having an online coaching session

What are the benefits of the VIP Alignment Experience?

When you're running your own business and you constantly feel overwhelmed, burnt out or exhausted, it can be hard to see the wood for the trees.

The first step to taking back control of your business and creating a life you love is about understanding your values and what’s truly important to you, being aware of your personal strengths and superpowers, and knowing your priorities in life right now. 

That's why in this half-day experience we're going to:

  • Get crystal clear on your values during a powerful elicitation exercise. By doing this, we will discover the secrets of what's blocking your progress, causing you stress and driving you crazy, and identify what needs to be different to put you back in the driving seat, make easier and better choices, and do more of what lights you up

  • Go deep into your personality (including using advanced profiling techniques) to pinpoint who you really are, your unique strengths and what makes you tick. Based on this information, you'll be equipped with strategies to help you better stick to new positive habits, and get more of what's important to you done, faster, in a way that feels natural and easier 

  • When you're juggling everything, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important to you. We will get laser focused on your priorities - business and personal - making it easier for you to stay aligned with them, keep on track and create the life you want sooner

Your Values, Individuality and Priorities drive everything you do. So when you understand them, you can define what success means for YOU, build a business around this, and start getting excited about creating the life YOU want.

You will walk away from the VIP Alignment Experience with a clear strategy and personalised plan for the remainder of the programme, so you're setting yourself up for business success and overall fulfilment from the get-go. 

Private Coaching Sessions

Running your own business can be a lonely and tough place. You're wearing many hats and expected to have all the answers. Working together, and aligned with your VIP, we will accelerate your business growth, move forward faster with creating the life you want, and help you achieve more of what truly matters to you, all with more flow and less frustration.
A woman smiling having a private coaching session

How will the Coaching Sessions help you transform your business and life?

You started your business because you imagined you’d have a better lifestyle.

In reality, you're...

Pouring your heart and soul into your business and missing out on precious moments with the people you care about most, as well as losing yourself in the process.

Plodding along in a vicious cycle of making exciting plans about your business but then getting distracted, procrastinating and not following through with achieving all the things you'd planned. As a result, you're berating yourself that your business isn't growing as you'd hoped.

Figuring things out on your own can be frustrating and then following through can be really tough.

Having a coach on your side and in your corner is one of the most powerful tools for accelerating professional and personal growth.

To gain the most benefit, I recommend we meet weekly during your first menstrual cycle. Afterwards, you can space out the coaching sessions as it suits you within the 3 months of the programme.

Over the course of these sessions, and with the work in between, you can transform your business and your life.

With each coaching session, you will:


  • Set inspiring goals and outcomes, aligned to your VIP, with a clear strategy for how to achieve them

  • Create an exciting plan of action that is built around you, in sync with your menstrual cycle and plays to your natural strengths and talents, making you far more likely to stick to it

  • Apply a step-by-step revolutionary female biohacking approach to prioritising, planning, and organising your time, so you feel in control of your day and get more of what really matters done, in sync with your natural flow, and stop feeling stressed, overwhelmed, procrastinating or burning out

  • Cultivate an empowering mindset to stay focused on creating your future, enabling you to bounce back stronger from setbacks and supporting you through the challenges that will come your way, so you stay motivated and don't lose heart or give up

  • Open new perspectives and possibilities by challenging your thinking patterns, beliefs and critical or negative thoughts that could be holding you back

  • Stay connected to your goals and what's important to you, so you don't get distracted and can reach your next level of success sooner and create the life you want faster

  • Be equipped with tools, techniques and strategies to create lasting change and sustainable success beyond our time working together, so you don't fall back into your old ways but have the capability and confidence to carry on thriving

Training - Make the Most of Your Menstrual Cycle

In-depth training to understand how to make the most of your menstrual cycle to achieve your goals faster, in flow, and with less frustration

Tap into the least understood and most underutilised technique, unique to women, for making changes and achieving what you want faster and easier.
Image of presentation video, planners, cycle strategy booklet by Mira Rutter

How will the Menstrual Cycle Training help you?

Brain chemistry changes 25% during your menstrual cycle, making you naturally better or more predisposed to certain types of activities at each phase. Understanding this helps you focus and prioritise more effectively, so you get more of the right stuff done.

  • Discover your natural strengths and talents during the four phases of your menstrual cycle, and how to use them to fast track your business growth and create the life you want

  • Gain a much deeper understanding of the menstrual cycle, why it matters and how to work with it, so you can be at your best at every stage, and find your flow more easily for your business and your life

  • By tuning into your cycle, you can plan and spread out different types of activities throughout it, so that you're not overwhelmed, confused or burnt out

  • Become more aware of the 'pitfalls' to avoid doing in each phase, so you can say 'goodbye' to the vicious cycle of overcommitting, ending up exhausted and beating yourself up for not achieving enough

  • Get a ton of immediately actionable business and personal tips on how to make the most of each phase, so you're doing the right things at the right time for you, and not wasting your precious time and energy  

Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions (Optional Bonus)

Friendly sessions to fast forward your business

Blitz through your To-Do list and tick off tasks with our twice-monthly online Co-Working Sessions. This is precious time and space dedicated to you, away from distractions and disruptions, freeing you up to focus on getting your most important business activities done.
6 women smiling on a video call

How will the Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions help you?

Working from home has awesome advantages, but it can also feel lonely at times, without being able to talk with anyone about what you're working on.

Just because you said that you’re 100% committed and excited to take action, despite your best intentions life and other things can get in the way.

So if you tend to keep putting certain important tasks off, get side-tracked from what you need to focus on, and miss having a tight-knit community, join the Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions.

Get in the flow in a fun, friendly and supportive environment.

These sessions are perfect for propelling you forward with whatever you want to focus on, for example:

  • Business or content planning 
  • Reviewing your services 
  • Following up with prospects and clients 
  • Creating content - website, sales pages, social media posts etc 
  • Putting together proposals
  • Client projects
  • Getting up to speed with admin you keep putting off that needs to get done

AWESOME BONUS: you will have like-minded friendly faces to cheer you on and celebrate your successes. Work made fun gets done!

Accountability Check-Ins (Optional Bonus)

Daily opportunity for you to quickly share the most important action(s) you want to achieve for the day, report back with how you’ve got on, celebrate your achievements and share any learnings.
Woman on her mobile having accountability check-in with her coach

Check-Ins to maintain momentum and flow

Keep the high vibes from our private coaching and get laser focused for the day with in-between session Check-Ins.

This type of quick, daily* Check-In can stimulate you to:

  • Focus on the right things to move forward even faster
  • Do something extra that leaves you feeling even more accomplished 
  • End the day on a high and excited for the next

I have personally massively benefited from such Check-Ins when they’ve taken place consistently, and this is why I'm offering them as a bonus to you!

And from my experience (and not only mine) when your buddy flakes out, it just doesn't work.

As your coach, I vow to be there for you while we work together**.

Plus, we will use the invaluable insights from the Check-Ins during our next coaching session to help you break through challenges and achieve your goals faster and more easily.


* Use them as you see fit. Available Monday - Friday.

** Subject to fair use and allowing for holidays and days off.

The VIP Alignment Toolkit

A selection of highly effective and practical tools, templates, cheat sheets and audio meditations to support you on your VIP alignment journey in creating a business and life you love.
The VIP Alignment Toolkit image of a playbook, schedule example, and worksheets to identify your values and priorities

What's inside The VIP Alignment Toolkit?

  • The Success on Your Terms Playbook

    A playbook with coaching questions to guide you through the process of creating your definition of success on your terms in a holistic, meaningful and fulfilling way.

  • Female Cycle Cheat Sheets

    Cheat sheets for each phase to quickly, easily and proactively plan your schedule to benefit from each phase. Plus, common pitfalls at each phase and how to avoid them.

  • Empowering, Energising & Calming Rituals

    Rituals to set yourself up for a successful day, avoid the afternoon slump, and wrap up the day on a positive note, no matter how the day has gone.

  • Audio meditations

    Guided audio meditations to melt away tension and release negative energy, so you can feel re-invigorated and get on with your day, or ease off to sleep.

  • Energy & Habit Trackers

    Trackers to help you keep track of your energy ebbs & flows so you can observe patterns and trends, and can plan and adjust accordingly.

  • Schedule Templates

    Calendar and Schedule Templates with examples of how to plan and organise your time depending on the nature of your business, type of work, and personal commitments.

What is it like working with me?

How have female business owners, like you, transformed their lives through my revolutionary programme

Screenshot of a Facebook comment by Bianca Botten re Mira Rutter's programme – “The entire program was excellent from start to finish. I learnt something new on every session and have already started to implement what I have learnt. I feel less rushed, more in control of my time and this has had a positive effect on me and my family life. I highly recommend attending these workshops. You will learn so much about yourself from your personality type to your core values and will see how each part of the puzzle fits together so you can build the life and business that you want. You can start to implement what you have learned immediately and will start to see the benefit from the changes that you make plus meet a lovely group of supportive women."

Screenshot of a LinkedIn comment by Bianca Botten – “I learnt so much on your course Mira Rutter. Doing your course was one of the most pivotal moments in my business. I’m so much happier now and that’s due to you and your teachings.”

Screenshot of a Facebook comment by Claire Halliday re Mira Rutter's programme – “I loved the programme and discovered so much about myself, particularly my values and have started to build my business, and life, around those values. I loved meeting all the other ladies on the programme and felt that we bonded very well as a group and were able to share our experiences in a relaxed, safe place that you had created for us. I realise that it's okay to have days when you prioritise yourself and wait until your energy levels return before making decisions that are blurred with irritability and tiredness. I have taken a much calmer approach to life and am not allowing negative factors to impact on me and when I feel a trigger I remind myself of my priorities leaving me much more positive and less anxious. I am so glad that I found this programme at the start of building my business and would recommend it to new and old business owners as everyone will learn something. Mira, I really do feel indebted to you for the positive impact you've had on me!"


Let's recap what you get for your investment

An image with the elements of Mira Rutter's coaching programme - VIP Alignment Experience  (Half-Day), 10 private coaching sessions, Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions, Accountability check-ins, In-depth trainings & resources and Practical Tools, Templates &  Cheat Sheets

The Align, Flow & Grow Coaching Programme Summary:

During this 3-month programme you will be fully supported with private coaching, in-depth trainings, tools and techniques, as well as in-between session support. 


  • VIP Alignment Experience (Half-Day) - VALUE £600

  • 10 Private Coaching Sessions (60-min) - VALUE £2500

  • Make the Most of Your Menstrual Cycle Training - VALUE £500

  • Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions - VALUE £200

  • Accountability Check-Ins - PRICELESS

  • The VIP Alignment Toolkit - VALUE £200

  • WORTH OVER £4,000+

The total value of this programme is worth well over £4000, and for context, I have previously paid £3000 for a GROUP programme without such in-depth personalisation, daily Check-Ins and Co-Working Sessions.


  1. I want to make this a complete no-brainer, too-good-to-miss programme that provides you with full support and acknowledges the challenging global economic times.
  2. While I've delivered each of the programme elements separately before, this is the first time that I'm putting all of them together into one single programme, and would love your feedback on how to improve it.

So, with that in mind, I want to make an incredible value Special Introductory Offer to a small selection of female business owners.

Investment Today - Only £2500 (PIF)

Stop thinking it's not possible for you, and start creating the business and life you love - today.


Are you ready to Align, Flow and Grow?

It's time to focus on YOU. Let's grow YOUR business and create YOUR version of success, without procrastinating, holding yourself back, or burning out

Image of the value of each of the elements of Align, Flow and Grow Coaching Programme. Limited Spots Available - VIP Alignment Experience (Half-Day) - VALUE £600,  10 Private Coaching Sessions (60-min) - VALUE £2500,  Make the Most of Your Menstrual Cycle Training - VALUE £500,  Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions - VALUE £200,  Accountability Check-ins – PRICELESS,  The VIP Alignment Toolkit - VALUE £200  WORTH OVER £4,000+


If you feel those butterflies in your tummy and are ready to get started, pick your payment plan and let's do this together!

Here's how to get started:

STEP 1. Select Your Preferred Payment Plan and click on the button to make your payment.

STEP 2. Keep an eye on your email for your Getting Started Pack. Within 48 hours of making your payment (Monday – Friday), you’ll receive an email with our Coaching Agreement and how to gain access to the training portal including Your Life Now Snapshot Questionnaire to prep for our first session.

STEP 3. Read, sign and return the Coaching Agreement.

STEP 4. Complete the Your Life Now Snapshot Questionnaire and email it back to me. I will send you details on how to book your VIP Alignment Experience.

STEP 5. Then, we'll get started with your VIP Alignment Experience to cut through the overwhelm and get a clear strategy and personalised plan for the remainder of the programme, so you can start creating the business and life you crave.

Got a Question?

The most Frequently Asked Questions are covered at the bottom of this page. Have a look through to see if the answer you're looking for is there already. 

If you'd like to chat through your particular situation and explore the best option for you, email me or click on the button below to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

I'm happy to answer your questions and help you get started if we're a great fit. If you decide not to work with me or we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.



I want every single female business owner who joins Align, Flow & Grow to be a great fit. 

Working together to feel like we're a match made in heaven, for both of us.

However, this programme may also not be a good fit for you.

Here are a few key signs to help you decide for yourself.

You're a great fit, if you...

  • Want to enjoy life without burning out

  • Are fed up with not achieving enough despite working long hours

  • Haven't had consistent success with traditional productivity and time management methods

  • Want to leverage the unique power and wisdom of your menstrual cycle

  • Are done with figuring everything out on your own and see value in personalised support

  • Can't do another cookie-cutter approach that doesn't fit you

  • Want to follow the right path for you but struggle to stay on course

  • Are tired of holding yourself back and want to progress faster in your business

  • Crave time for yourself and what matters to you most

However, we're NOT a good fit, if you...

  • Are in business just for the money

  • Are not female (because of my female-centric approach)

  • Expect your coach to give you all the answers and tell you what to do

  • Are not committed to your own success

  • Don't take action and responsibility

  • Are afraid to try something new

  • Continuously resist changing or stopping behaviours that limit your success

  • Are perfectly happy with how your business and personal life are right now

Don't just take my word for it...

Get inspired by what you can create for yourself by these client stories and breakthroughs

"Doubled my profits while enjoying a much better balanced life"

Within three months of working with Mira, I have nearly doubled my profits while enjoying a much better work-life balance.

I particularly liked the very personalised approach and the way we came up with things that would work for me, together. Mira helped me to look at things a bit differently, so I could focus and prioritise what I really wanted to do and achieve.

I’d certainly recommend working with Mira to any freelancers and business owners trying to achieve a better work-life balance who are ready to make a change in their lives.

Your help and guidance have proven invaluable in getting me to change my life. Thank you so much for everything, Mira!!!

- Freelance Translator

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by Naz Ghadamian, Financial Specialist – “To every business woman out there, Mira’s workshops are life-changing and I highly recommend them. During the sessions Mira softly challenges you to think about your core values, keep in touch with your emotions, making your well-being your number one priority and never forget why you started out on your own as a self-employed business owner. Gradually she boosts your confidence and plants the seed of positive thinking in your head.  Mira makes sure she knows you and your business and matches you with like-minded people which makes the workshops even more fun to attend.”

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by Ana Sanchez Isidoro, a Spanish translator and copy writer – “ Mira is patient, an excellent listener and creates a highly comfortable space in all her coaching sessions. I joined her Thriving Women's Collective along with other fantastic women.  From the very beginning you begin working on yourself, your values and priorities to have your objectives clear and work to get them.  She always supports you and gives key pieces of advice, tasks and ideas to put into practice to design your mindset to achieve your professional goals.”

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by Bouchra Rebiai, Arabic translator and copywriter – “From a single coaching call, I made huge breakthroughs on a personal problem I was having - trouble with keeping a routine in place that made me look forward to every new day. By the end of the hour with Mira, I was confident that the basic routine I'd put in place was something not only doable but also enjoyable. I cannot recommend Mira's services enough!”

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by Janine Pickles, a self-employed tutor – “Mira's programme includes a really good blend of topics, and activities to help women business owners keep focused and productive. For example, I used to teach time management, so I thought I wouldn't learn much from that particular workshop, but I was wrong! Mira's workshop helped me update my skills in this area, and take a slightly different approach as it was focused towards women business owners. For example, I was unaware how time consuming task switching is, because it takes your brain a while to re-set back to the previous task. The affect the moon cycle has on productivity, was also of particular interest to me, and will help me when planning anything new in my business.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by Nicole Winer, a Business Coach and Mentor – “ Mira's approach is gentle, kind and generous. She gives you time to find answers within yourself, but with help if you need it, so that when you reach that place of balance you thrive so much more. Mira has an ability to understand issues very quickly and helps suggest solutions towards whichever goals it is you find. I have thoroughly enjoyed Mira's support - it been an absolute pleasure!”

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Recommendation by Tanya, a fitness instructor – “Mira is amazing! We found each other at a time when I wasn’t in the best place, due to recent circumstances beyond my control. My mind was frazzled and I had no idea how to decide which direction to take and move on, so Mira’s calm and insightful approach was just what I needed to help me work it all out. I then had the clarity to identify what I wanted to do and to take the first steps with her support.”


Questions? Let me answer them below:

  • How frequently are the private coaching sessions?

    To gain the most benefit from the coaching sessions, I recommend we meet weekly, especially during your first menstrual cycle. Afterwards, you can space out the coaching sessions as it suits you within the next 3 months, unless otherwise agreed.

  • How long do I have access to the trainings?

    You will have lifetime access to the training materials so you can benefit from them again and again beyond the core 3 months of the coaching programme. NOTE: You will have access to 3 months' worth of Accountability Check-Ins and Get It Done Co-Working Sessions.

  • For how long can I attend the Get It Done Co-Working Sessions?

    There are at least two Co-Working Sessions per month. You will have access to 3 months' worth of Get It Done Co-Working Sessions.

  • How long am I eligible for Accountability Check-Ins?

    You can send me Accountability Check-Ins in the morning and at the end of the day for 3 months after your first private coaching session and, subject to fair usage, if we agree to spread out your coaching sessions beyond the 3-month period. Please note these are not meant to be used as coaching sessions.

  • What makes this programme different from what's out there?

    My approach is based on a blend of coaching, neuroscience and the female cycle, body clock and natural rhythms. It not only gives you personalised coaching but also in-between session support (Accountability Check-Ins and Co-Working Sessions) as well as in-depth trainings, practical tools, cheats sheets and trackers all in one place, so it's all easy to understand and implement, while you feel fully supported in creating a business and life you love.

  • How do I book my coaching sessions?

    You will have access to my online booking system to choose a time that suits you best and/or we could book them at the end of our call.

  • Is this suitable for anyone?

    The programme is specifically designed for online business owners and freelancers with female physiology. It is particularly tailored for those who are menstruating and/or would like to apply a more cyclical approach to how they run their business and lead their life.

  • What is the refund policy?

    My aim is to only accept people who are a good fit for Align, Flow and Grow. If, after we've started working together, you have any concerns or suggestions for improvements, please let me know as soon as possible. I appreciate your feedback and it will help me improve the programme for you and future clients. Given the high level of personalised support and ongoing access to downloadable digital materials, refunds may be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

  • Still have a question?

    Sure. Please email your question to [email protected] or click on the button below to book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation with me to chat through your particular situation and explore the best option for you.

Here's a quick reminder of what you get

Image of the value of each of the elements of Align, Flow and Grow Coaching Programme. Limited Spots Available - VIP Alignment Experience (Half-Day) - VALUE £600,  10 Private Coaching Sessions (60-min) - VALUE £2500,  Make the Most of Your Menstrual Cycle Training - VALUE £500,  Get Things Done Co-Working Sessions - VALUE £200,  Accountability Check-ins – PRICELESS,  The VIP Alignment Toolkit - VALUE £200  WORTH OVER £4,000+