My Business, My Flow Toolkit

A unique, proven system & tools for working with your female cycle to create business success, have more energy & ditch overwhelm.

Specifically designed to help female purpose-driven online business owners and freelancers to tap into their innate feminine wisdom and fulfil their ambitions with more ease, fun and flow.
Pre-Order My Business, My Flow Toolkit for only £27

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Tell me, is this YOU?

An ambitious female purpose-driven online business owner or freelancer who...

Wants to enjoy her life while doing fulfilling work that lights her up, but right now you're...

  • Frustrated you're not achieving enough despite working long hours and trying your best. There is always so much to do in your business, on top of your client work, and it's overwhelming and exhausting

  • Want to grow your business without working even harder -- or want to work fewer hours without making less -- but can't see how to make it happen

  • Struggling to stay focused on the right activities, getting distracted and procrastinating instead of following through with your plans. As a result, you're not making the progress you want

  • Craving time for yourself and the things that bring you joy but you are often at the bottom of your to-do list, assuming you even make it on the list

  • Doubting yourself and wondering if what you want to achieve is even possible for you?

No wonder you may be confused about how to fit it all in without burning out or losing your sanity.

Raised your hand to any of the above?

This needs to stop before you burn out

Perhaps, you've tried getting more organised and managing your time more effectively, but nothing seems to stick or work in the long run.

Have you noticed how...

Sometimes you're full of energy and you get a ton done in a breeze.

And sometimes, you're feeling low and beat yourself up for not getting enough done.

Am I right?

As a woman or a person with female physiology, it's biologically natural for you to have different energy levels at different times of the month.

But you've been trying to fit into a linear approach that is ill-fitting for you.

Why Traditional Time Management Methods are NOT Optimal for you

Traditional Productivity & Time Management approaches are created for people who operate only on a 24-hour clock. While, women have two body clocks - the 24-hr and menstrual cycle. Truth bomb time...

  • This leaves people with periods who also need to consider their infradian rhythm short-changed.

  • As a result, you end up feeling frustrated, exhausted and guilty because you're not showing up the same way day-in and day-out.

  • These linear practices not only ignore but also suppress your invaluable innate abilities and wisdom that enable you to experience more flow, joy and ease in business and life.

What needs to be different?

Instead of feeling like you're never doing or being enough...

It's time to adopt a new approach that actually works for YOU!

As a female entrepreneur, you need a method that fits YOUR UNIQUE energy flow, personality, and circumstances.

Using my 4-week cycle strategy you can optimise your life and create success on your terms by using your internal clock and natural rhythms to guide how you manage your time and run your business.

Let me introduce you to...


This is not your typical linear, rigid and boring productivity and time management method that you can't stick to.

This toolkit is specifically designed to help ambitious female purpose-driven online entrepreneurs, service providers and freelancers to stop keeping themselves small, tap into their innate feminine wisdom and fulfil their ambitions with more ease, fun and flow.

You will have access to trainings, practical tools and techniques to get you back in control of your life.

You will walk away with a clear plan for how to maximise your time and energy and get more of what’s important done in your business and personal life.


As a female entrepreneur, you need a method that fits your unique energy flow, personality, and circumstances.

Claire Halliday describes beautifully what a huge difference my female-centric time and energy management approach has made for her:
Claire Halliday's Testimonial about how this method helped her

My Business, My Flow Toolkit will help you:

  • Implement a female biohacking approach to prioritising, planning and organising your days and weeks so you can get what matters done without procrastinating or burning out

  • Tap into the least understood and most underutilised technique, unique to women, for making changes and achieving what you want, faster and easier

  • Create success on your terms, leading a healthier and balanced lifestyle doing work you love using my unique VIP Alignment Method

  • Discover the real truth about what slows down your progress, productivity and ability to focus and get tools and strategies to overcome those challenges

  • Stop beating yourself up for feeling overwhelmed and not achieving enough and start taking consistent action in a way that finally works for you

  • Boost your energy levels and be at your best every day


My Business, My Flow Toolkit includes:

  • Video Tutorials

    In-depth videos explaining the science behind the 4-week cycle approach and how to make the most of it so that you no longer waste your precious time and/or energy

  • Schedule Templates

    Calendar and Schedule Templates with examples of how to plan and organise your time depending on the nature of your business, type of work, and personal commitments

  • Female Cycle Cheat sheets

    Cheat sheets for each phase to quickly, easily and proactively plan your schedule to benefit from each phase. Plus, common pitfalls at each phase and how to avoid them

  • Empowering, Energising & Calming Rituals

    Rituals to set yourself up for a successful day, avoid the afternoon slump, and wrap up the day on a positive note, no matter how the day has gone

  • Audio meditations

    4 guided audio meditations to melt away tension and release negative energy, so you can feel re-invigorated and get on with your day, or ease off to sleep. Varying lengths of 2-12mins to suit your busy schedule

  • Healthy Energy Flow Exercises

    10 proven ways to clear negative energy and improve the flow of healthy energy, including exercises you can easily incorporate into your day

  • Energy & Habit Trackers

    Trackers to help you keep track of your energy ebbs & flows so you can observe patterns and trends, and can plan and adjust accordingly

Exclusive Limited-Time Bonus

Order My Business, My Flow Toolkit today and also get access to exclusive bonuses worth over £350

  • Success On Your Terms Planning On-Demand Workshop & Playbook

    On-Demand Planning Session to set your goals and intentions for the year ahead so they are aligned with what truly matters to you, and create success on your terms. No more losing sight of what's important to you.

  • Private Empower Session (30 minutes)

    A one-on-one coaching session for you to receive personalised support on one specific challenge or topic or to ask follow-up questions about what you learned from the training in the Toolkit. You can use this session before, during, or after you've gone through the material.

  • Your Life Now Snapshot Questionnaire

    Self-coaching exercises to evaluate where you're right now, what's working, what's not and what you'd like more of personally and professionally so you can finally move forward in the right direction for you, your life and your business.

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Who is this toolkit ideal for?

My Business, My Flow Toolkit is specifically designed to help ambitious female purpose-driven online entrepreneurs and freelancers to stop keeping themselves small, tap into their innate feminine wisdom and fulfil their ambitions with more ease, fun and flow.

It works best for those who are menstruating and/or would like to apply a more cyclical approach to how they run their business and lead their life.

Ultimately, you will have...

  • A female-centric strategy to managing your time that actually works for you and an action plan that can finally fit into your day.

  • Understanding what obstacles have been preventing you from making progress in your business so far and have practical tools and techniques to overcome them.

  • A renewed sense of focus, clarity and direction, feeling motivated and energised to take consistent, inspired action towards your business goals and personal ambitions.

What do others say about Mira's approach?

Business owners and Freelancers find this female-centric approach to managing their time and energy a game-changer...


I'm Mira Rutter,

A fellow small business owner, I've been in your shoes, and know overwhelming it can be to wear so many hats in your business. As Life Balance Coach & Strategist, I thrive on coaching female online service-based business owners like you to strategically manage their time & energy, develop an empowering mindset & build high-performance habits so that they can take their business to the next level and create success on their terms.
Mira Rutter


Questions? Let me answer them below:

  • When will the toolkit be available?

    The main Toolkit content is available for instant access. Additional content will be added in the coming months.

  • How will I receive the toolkit?

    You will get your own login details to an online portal that houses everything – the video training, planning cheat sheets, trackers, audio meditations and your bonuses.

  • What makes this toolkit different from what's out there?

    The system and tools used in 'My Business, My Flow' are based on a blend of coaching, neuroscience and the female internal clock and natural rhythms. It not only gives you the teachings but also the practical tools, cheats sheets and trackers all in one place, so they are easy to understand and implement.

  • Is this suitable for anyone?

    The toolkit is specifically designed for online business owners and freelancers with female physiology. It is particularly tailored for those who are menstruating and/or would like to apply a more cyclical approach to how they run their business and lead their life.

  • Can I be an affiliate?

    Of course! If after purchasing this awesome toolkit you'd like to share it with your business friends, you can apply to become an affiliate by emailing [email protected].

  • Can I share this toolkit with anyone else?

    When you purchase this toolkit you are purchasing the license to use and apply the materials for yourself only.

  • Do you offer other types of license?

    Purchasing this digital bundle is for yourself only - and the license to use the materials is for one person only. If you have other licensing requirements, please reach out to [email protected] for more help.

  • What is the refund policy?

    As this is a fully digital product that includes all videos, training and materials available on-demand and downloadable, there are no refunds. If there are any issues with your access, or you have any feedback on the toolkit, you can email me anytime at [email protected] and I'll gladly assist you.

  • Still have a question?

    Sure. Please email your question to [email protected] and I'd be happy to help.

This was eye-opening and it should be taught to all women!

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